A line that is tangent to a circle at a given point is perpendicular to the radius that intersects the point. It follows that one method of drawing a line tangent to a circle at a given point is to draw the radius that intersects the point, and then draw the line tangent at the point of intersection and
perpendicular to the radius.
Another method is shown in figure 4-32. To draw a line tangent to the circle at P, set a compass to the radius of the circle, and, with P as a center, strike an arc that intersects the circle at A. With the compass still set to the radius of the circle, use A as a center and strike an arc that intersects the first arc at B. With B as a center and the compass still set to the radius of the circle, strike another arc. A line through the point of intersection (0) of the last drawn arc and through P is tangent to the circle at P.