Use AutoCAD to design an engraving that will go on the end of your engraving tool. If you are not enrolled in TECH 4571, just design a pattern to engrave on the end of a 1.0 inch diameter aluminum rod.
Using the Realize software:
Here is a link to the original version of Chris Radek’s Realize for AutoCAD.
For this assignment you will need to use this version: cncengrave.
Engraving Operation
- Download cncengrave to a convenient directory.
- You will draw the geometry of the engraving in AutoCAD. Pay attention to where the origin (0,0,0) is. It should be centered on the end of the rod.
- Create a polyline of the toolpath you want.
- SET THE ELEVATION TO Negative 0.020 before you begin
- Polyline should be the path that the center of the tool takes around the part.
- The z level of the polyline is the cutting depth.
- Convert the polyline to a HW polyline (command: convertpoly)
- Put the polyline on a layer called “Engrave”.
- Run the appload command and load “cncengrave.” This will create a new command called “engrave“
- Run the engrave command.
- Use .500 for the safety height.
- Enter a path and file at the prompt
- Prompt will be “Output file <C:\ACAD.T>:”
- Enter the path and file you want to write to , e.g., “C:\myfile.txt”
- Select only the polyline you made in the steps above.
- Be sure to use a path to the a directory you can write to.
- Verify that your file contains valid G Code.
- Bring your file to the next class period.
NOTE: Header needs to be fixed:
% (POSTED BY CNCENGRAVE.LSP) G17 G20 G40 G55 G80 G90 G94 T5 M06 G43 H05 S1000 M3