Engraving with AutoCAD

Use AutoCAD to design an engraving that will go on the end of your engraving tool.  If you are not enrolled in TECH 4571, just design a pattern to engrave on the end of a 1.0 inch diameter aluminum rod.

Using the Realize software:

Here is a link to the original version of Chris Radek’s  Realize for AutoCAD.

For this assignment you will need to use this version: cncengrave.

Engraving Operation

  1. Download cncengrave to a convenient directory.
  2. You will draw the geometry of the engraving in AutoCAD.  Pay attention to where the origin (0,0,0) is.  It should be centered on the end of the rod.
  3. Create a polyline of the toolpath you want.
    • SET THE ELEVATION TO Negative 0.020 before you begin
    • Polyline should be the path that the center of the tool takes around the part.
    • The z level of the polyline is the cutting depth.
  4. Convert the polyline to a HW polyline (command: convertpoly)
  5. Put the polyline on a layer called “Engrave”.
  6. Run the appload command and load “cncengrave.”  This will create a new command called “engrave
  7. Run the engrave command.
  8. Use .500 for the safety height.
  9. Enter a path and file at the prompt
    • Prompt will be “Output file <C:\ACAD.T>:”
    • Enter the path and file you want to write to , e.g., “C:\myfile.txt”
  10. Select only the polyline you made in the steps above.
  11. Be sure to use a path to the a directory you can write to.
  12. Verify that your file contains valid G Code.
  13. Bring your file to the next class period.

NOTE: Header needs to be fixed:

G17 G20 G40
G55 G80 G90 G94
G43 H05 
S1000 M3
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