NOTE 1: Do not just watch the videos. Do the steps as they are shown.
NOTE 2: There is audio, use headphones.
NOTE 3: Be sure to watch in HD. Click the gear icon in the lower right corner of the video.
Video Assignment 1
Download and open this file. Orient the view until it shows the two objects as concentric to each other. Print a screenshot of this view.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_1
Video Assignment 2
Print a screenshot of a datum coordinate system that is not located at the absolute CSYS.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_2
Video Assignment 3
Do a model of the TX-001 Panel Mount.
Print a screenshot of the model.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_3
Video Assignment 4
Do a model of a block that contains the following:
- Four holes created using mirror feature
- A hole on an angled datum plane
Print a screenshot of a section view of this model.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_4
Video Assignment 5
Do a model similar to the one in the video.
Print a screenshot of this model.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_5
Video Assignment 6
Do a model of McMaster-Carr part number 9452K57 (An O-Ring).
The O-Ring must be revolved about the X axis.
Print a screenshot of your fully constrained sketch and of the complete O-Ring.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_6
Video Assignment 7
Do a model of a Heavy Hex bolt. Do any bolt EXCEPT the size in the video. Apply UNC (Unified, Coarse) threads.
Print a screenshot of your bolt.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_7
Video Assignment 8
Do a model of a pencil holder similar to the one in the video.
Print a screenshot that shows the array on the bottom.
Save the model to your directory and name it LASTNAME_VIDEO_8