Create a model that reflects the geometry of the part below. It is made of 10 Ga. HRS.
The longest bend is roughly 12.5 long. The holes are .625 diameter. The part does not need to be exactly to scale, but it does need to reflect all details of the figure.
You might find this video helpful: NX Sheet Metal (Ally PLM)
Quick notes:
- Start as a sheet metal part or convert
- Apply defaults
- Preferences
- Sheet Metal
- Part properties tab
- Thickness
- Bend radius
- Neutral Factor .33
- Part properties tab
- Sheet Metal
- Preferences
- Create sketch
- Tab – Base tab
- Then Flanges
Online Help
- Getting started with Sheet Metal
- Sheet Metal Preferences
- Sheet Metal material standards file
- Creating sheet metal parts and features
- Validate Sheet Metal parts
- Patterning in Sheet Metal
- Mirroring in Sheet Metal
- Advanced Sheet Metal commands
- Renew Feature
- Unite
- Weld preparations on Sheet Metal parts
- Sheet Metal video examples