Understanding Geometric Features
Name: ________________
Date: _________________
Start the CMM system as described in Lab 1. (Use Lab 1 Probe)
Enter Guess mode.
Use the angled workpiece. Align it with the table as shown:
Probe the three single points
- Probe one point by probing straight down (create a point)
- Name this point PT1
- Probe one point by probing horizontally (create a point)
- Name this point PT2
- Probe one point by probing normal to the surface (create a point)
- Name this point PT1
- Record the vectors components of these three points, e.g., <0,0,1>
- PT1 <______, ________, _______>
- PT2 <______, ________, _______>
- PT3<______, ________, _______>
- Explain how probe compensation affects the vectors of POINTS.
Probe the angled plane at its extremities.
- Create a plane (guess mode)
- Name the plane RAMP_PLANE.
- Edit the name in the program, then use F9 to edit the plane.
- Look at the “hits” that define the plane.
- What do you notice about each hit point’s vector components?
- The components are:_____________________________
- How does this affect probe compensation?
- The probe compensation:__________________________
Set the workplane to align with the Z-axis positive.
- Probe the line segment in four points, and create a line.
- Probe to the same side of the slot for all four points.
- Note: Lines are 2D. Notice the line that is created in the graphics window.
- Note: The line x, y, and z is the centroid of the points selected.
- Observe the vector created.
- Probe the CIRCLE using 4 points (approximately at the quadrants) and create using guess mode.
- Explain how the workplane affects geometry creation.
Set the workplane to align with the X-axis positive.
- Probe the line segment in four points, and create a line
- Notice the line that is created in the graphics window.
- Is this line the same as the one created in the Z-axis positive workplane?
- Explain:
Set the workplane to align with the Y-axis positive.
- Probe the line segment in four points, and create a line
- Notice the line that is created in the graphics window.
- Is this line the same as the one created in the Z-axis positive workplane?
- Explain:
Change workplane to RAMP_PLANE
- Probe the line segment in four points, and create a line
- Observe the line that is created in the graphics window. How is this line different?
- Probe the Circle using 8 points and create using guess mode.
- Observe whether the circle lies on the RAMP PLANE or not.
Set the metal sphere in the hole on the ramp plane as shown:
- Probe the sphere and create a sphere.
- Does the workplane matter when creating a sphere?
- Why or why not?
- What is the name of the error that would occur if you probed too low on the sphere?